I'm not talking about the alteration of clothes (or just replacing them) which isnt cheap. After losing 40 pounds since June I have had some unexpected costs.
Post-transplant I have labs done at least once a month. The Doctors and Nurses watch the levels of several things to make sure they are all in the "normal" range. If the levels of one or more items is outside of the normal range then I can get various side effects. Insomnia, tremors in my hands, dizziness and lightheaded are some of my favorites.
So losing 40 pounds and having an increase in my metabolism rate means my body absorbs the prescriptions I am on at different rates, effecting the levels that my transplant team monitors and bringing back the side effects. Of course my drugs are being readjusted but it takes a while to get everything where they should be.
I want to be a hands on father. Unfortunately that isnt always possible right now while the docs try to get all of my levels back under control. It's frustrating to say the least.
I'm not saying I wish I hadnt lost all of the weight I have, but I could definitely do without the unintended consequences...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One Doctor thought that there was a slim chance that my kidney damage could be reversed. I had a kidney biopsy done in early October but they had gotten the wrong part of the kidney. Another biopsy was ordered for the week of Thanksgiving. This time, they nicked a renal artery and I spent the night in ICU. I came home to celebrate Thanksgiving but I felt horrible and ended up having to go back to the hospital after everyone had eaten.
This year, we're doing Thanksgiving dinner with family again at our new house. Knock on wood, this one will be much better than the one 4 years ago.
I have so much to be thankful for this year. A great wife, a healthy son and good health. I count myself truly blessed to have friends and family like you. I hope that you take some time to count your blessings this holiday season.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Lessons Recently Learned
A couple of weeks ago I spent a few days in Minneapolis for work. I liked what I saw and wouldnt mind going back but only in the late spring or summer. Here are a few things I learned on my trip.
1)When travelling, wear clothes that fit. I flew up wearing jeans that fit me well back in June. Losing 40 pounds tends to make jeans saggy. When I took my belt off at the airport, the people behind me were treated to a good long look at my pirate boxers.
2) The $8 bottle of water in your hotel room mini bar can sometimes be found elsewhere for free. I stayed at a really nice hotel. I found that in the hotel gym they had complimentary bottles of water. The same water that was $8 in my room. I drank a couple hundred dollars of water while there.
3) I dont hate running. I have never really been athletic nor do I consider myself a runner, but while I was in Minneapolis I ran each morning for about 40 minutes. I brought gym clothes on a trip and actually used them which really impressed me. Did I mention that it was 34 degrees?
4) Pro athletes take naps on game day. Actually I have known this for quite sometime. On game day (at least in the NBA and NHL) players stay near the arena so they dont have to drive back and forth and so they can get a nap in. The Timberwolves stay at Graves 601 when they have home games. I found this out by running into some of them while I was getting off of the elevator and they were getting on. So if you are in Minneapolis and a Timberwolves fan, you now know where to go and act like a stalker.
5) ZZ Top shows are a great place to people watch. Before heading up, I checked out to see what was going on and saw that ZZ Top was playing at a small venue 2 blocks from my hotel and these guys were the opening act, so I had to go. Lots of people were wearing long fake beards which was fun. The music was good. The most interesting thing to watch was the couple in front of me. He was in his mid 40's. She was (I am guessing) 19 or 20. He had his 15 year old son and a friend of his son with him. When the warmup act started he started replacing her soft drink with a mixed beverage but while he was up using the bathroom or buying more drinks, she was flirting with the men sitting around them and even entered her number on one guy's cell. Half a drink later she was about passed out. I felt bad for the son who obviously was embarrassed by his dad's conduct as well as his dad's girlfriend's conduct.
1)When travelling, wear clothes that fit. I flew up wearing jeans that fit me well back in June. Losing 40 pounds tends to make jeans saggy. When I took my belt off at the airport, the people behind me were treated to a good long look at my pirate boxers.
2) The $8 bottle of water in your hotel room mini bar can sometimes be found elsewhere for free. I stayed at a really nice hotel. I found that in the hotel gym they had complimentary bottles of water. The same water that was $8 in my room. I drank a couple hundred dollars of water while there.
3) I dont hate running. I have never really been athletic nor do I consider myself a runner, but while I was in Minneapolis I ran each morning for about 40 minutes. I brought gym clothes on a trip and actually used them which really impressed me. Did I mention that it was 34 degrees?
4) Pro athletes take naps on game day. Actually I have known this for quite sometime. On game day (at least in the NBA and NHL) players stay near the arena so they dont have to drive back and forth and so they can get a nap in. The Timberwolves stay at Graves 601 when they have home games. I found this out by running into some of them while I was getting off of the elevator and they were getting on. So if you are in Minneapolis and a Timberwolves fan, you now know where to go and act like a stalker.
5) ZZ Top shows are a great place to people watch. Before heading up, I checked out to see what was going on and saw that ZZ Top was playing at a small venue 2 blocks from my hotel and these guys were the opening act, so I had to go. Lots of people were wearing long fake beards which was fun. The music was good. The most interesting thing to watch was the couple in front of me. He was in his mid 40's. She was (I am guessing) 19 or 20. He had his 15 year old son and a friend of his son with him. When the warmup act started he started replacing her soft drink with a mixed beverage but while he was up using the bathroom or buying more drinks, she was flirting with the men sitting around them and even entered her number on one guy's cell. Half a drink later she was about passed out. I felt bad for the son who obviously was embarrassed by his dad's conduct as well as his dad's girlfriend's conduct.
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Forty. 40. That's the total pounds I lost in four months of boot camp.
Around 8 inches have disappeared from my waist. I'm down 2 suit sizes. I am about to spend a small fortune having clothes taken in but that's an ok problem to have.
I could post all of the numbers of how my PT results have all drastically improved but you probably arent that interested in the details. I know I will have to keep up with eating better and exercising or the changes I have seen will be only temporary. I have a bruised heel from Thursday's workout but after a couple of days resting it up I will be out jogging the streets of our new subdivision. The other day I was looking at the playground and I had some sick sadistic thoughts on some workouts I could do there after jogging the half mile uphill there.
I like the new "skinny" me. I hope he sticks around
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Bryson makes the paper
When I was in elementary school I had a slight speech impediment. I had speech therapy classes for a year or so and now you wouldnt know. In fact, when I was in college I worked radio, which I really enjoyed.
The guy that announced the Thrasher games in the arena left this summer for a job in New York. They had an open audition for his replacement a few weeks ago and after encouragement from the wife and friends I went. It was a Wednesday night, the wife was in class and so I brought Bryson with me. This is from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
38 bid to be Thrashers voice of Philips Arena
Three finalists will work one exhibition game each
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The next hockey voice of Philips Arena stepped to the microphone Wednesday night and introduced the teams, announced a goal and warned the fans to beware of errant pucks.
But there was no ice, no goal and no players. And on this night, the announcers were the ones wearing the numbers.
It was a tryout, held in an upstairs room of a Marietta Street sports bar and grillwith only three judges’ opinions separating the aspiring announcers from 41 performances every regular season in front of thousands of Thrashers fans.
The 38 contestants included a middle school language-and-arts teacher, a receptionist at a post-production company, a chiropractor and laser hair-removal spa owner, a lobbyist and an actor with an improvisational comedy group.
And then there was Bryson Freeman, who came to Stats sports bar Wednesday night but did not compete.
“He has a great voice,” Andy Freeman said of his 2-month-old son, “but he can’t read the names.”
Some of the adult contestants struggled with that, too. One called the reigning NHL MVP Oh-va-chicken; most North Americans pronounce it Oh-vetch-kin. Other contestants butchered the pronunciations on hometown — though not homegrown — players.
“I have to practice my Russian and Canadian accent,” said Marina Wesner, who gave it her best shot.
She was one of two women to try out, in an atmosphere that combined the all-ears-on-you stress of a cappella singing with the over-the-top emoting of karaoke. Qiana Nichol Harps of Atlanta compared it to one of her day jobs, being a model.
“I didn’t want to stumble on my words. You don’t want to fall on the runway,” Harps said.
Some contestants did stumble, but the judges never cut anyone off by clanging their gong.
“I couldn’t bring myself to do it,” the Thrashers’ Peter Sorckoff said. “They were working so hard.”
The three finalists are professional performers and sounded right at home.
That was natural for song-and-dance man Dean Balkwill, who moved to Atlanta five years ago from Regina, Saskatchewan.
“When I got here I was like a Canadian out of water,” said Balkwill, who cured his homesickness by joining an adult hockey league, only to cut his lip and learn he should have gotten health insurance first.
Shaffee Abraham has played the game, too. He hails from Hockey Town, otherwise known as Detroit, and now goes by just his first name while hosting a morning show on Atlanta’s WKLS-FM, Project 9-6-1.
“I’d like to tell all my buddies I grew up with I made it to the NHL,” Abraham said.
Matthew Stanton is the odd man out, a Floridian — “We didn’t even have a baseball team” — who didn’t fall in love with hockey until he discovered an ECHL team while attending Florida State. He does voiceovers, commercials and theater.
Each finalist will work one exhibition game, with the winner filling the vacancy created when former announcer Steve Craig took a job with a New York radio station.
The Thrashers also lost their radio color man, former player Jeff Odgers, who returned to Saskatchewan.
“I’m planning to bring in a galaxy of guest stars,” play-by-play man Dan Kamal said. “No auditioning, though.”
The guy that announced the Thrasher games in the arena left this summer for a job in New York. They had an open audition for his replacement a few weeks ago and after encouragement from the wife and friends I went. It was a Wednesday night, the wife was in class and so I brought Bryson with me. This is from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
38 bid to be Thrashers voice of Philips Arena
Three finalists will work one exhibition game each
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The next hockey voice of Philips Arena stepped to the microphone Wednesday night and introduced the teams, announced a goal and warned the fans to beware of errant pucks.
But there was no ice, no goal and no players. And on this night, the announcers were the ones wearing the numbers.
It was a tryout, held in an upstairs room of a Marietta Street sports bar and grillwith only three judges’ opinions separating the aspiring announcers from 41 performances every regular season in front of thousands of Thrashers fans.
The 38 contestants included a middle school language-and-arts teacher, a receptionist at a post-production company, a chiropractor and laser hair-removal spa owner, a lobbyist and an actor with an improvisational comedy group.
And then there was Bryson Freeman, who came to Stats sports bar Wednesday night but did not compete.
“He has a great voice,” Andy Freeman said of his 2-month-old son, “but he can’t read the names.”
Some of the adult contestants struggled with that, too. One called the reigning NHL MVP Oh-va-chicken; most North Americans pronounce it Oh-vetch-kin. Other contestants butchered the pronunciations on hometown — though not homegrown — players.
“I have to practice my Russian and Canadian accent,” said Marina Wesner, who gave it her best shot.
She was one of two women to try out, in an atmosphere that combined the all-ears-on-you stress of a cappella singing with the over-the-top emoting of karaoke. Qiana Nichol Harps of Atlanta compared it to one of her day jobs, being a model.
“I didn’t want to stumble on my words. You don’t want to fall on the runway,” Harps said.
Some contestants did stumble, but the judges never cut anyone off by clanging their gong.
“I couldn’t bring myself to do it,” the Thrashers’ Peter Sorckoff said. “They were working so hard.”
The three finalists are professional performers and sounded right at home.
That was natural for song-and-dance man Dean Balkwill, who moved to Atlanta five years ago from Regina, Saskatchewan.
“When I got here I was like a Canadian out of water,” said Balkwill, who cured his homesickness by joining an adult hockey league, only to cut his lip and learn he should have gotten health insurance first.
Shaffee Abraham has played the game, too. He hails from Hockey Town, otherwise known as Detroit, and now goes by just his first name while hosting a morning show on Atlanta’s WKLS-FM, Project 9-6-1.
“I’d like to tell all my buddies I grew up with I made it to the NHL,” Abraham said.
Matthew Stanton is the odd man out, a Floridian — “We didn’t even have a baseball team” — who didn’t fall in love with hockey until he discovered an ECHL team while attending Florida State. He does voiceovers, commercials and theater.
Each finalist will work one exhibition game, with the winner filling the vacancy created when former announcer Steve Craig took a job with a New York radio station.
The Thrashers also lost their radio color man, former player Jeff Odgers, who returned to Saskatchewan.
“I’m planning to bring in a galaxy of guest stars,” play-by-play man Dan Kamal said. “No auditioning, though.”
I decided to do one more boot camp. Yes, with a business trip, closing a house, moving, unpacking and getting our house ready to sell I am doing another boot camp. I must be crazy.
I got fitted for running shoes Monday. I'm surprised at the difference that a pair of shoes can make. I used to think my feet were a size 10.5. This summer I was buying a pair of Bucs and the salesmen measured my feet and said they are an 11. The running shoes I got Monday are an 11.5. I have no idea what is up with that.
In rowing news, our gym is now the #1 Crossfit gym in the rowing challenge, #19th place team overall and I have slipped to #9 on our team. Gotta stay in the top 10.
Still taking donations for the Kidney Walk. I'm currently the leading fundraiser. Please help me help others.
I got fitted for running shoes Monday. I'm surprised at the difference that a pair of shoes can make. I used to think my feet were a size 10.5. This summer I was buying a pair of Bucs and the salesmen measured my feet and said they are an 11. The running shoes I got Monday are an 11.5. I have no idea what is up with that.
In rowing news, our gym is now the #1 Crossfit gym in the rowing challenge, #19th place team overall and I have slipped to #9 on our team. Gotta stay in the top 10.
Still taking donations for the Kidney Walk. I'm currently the leading fundraiser. Please help me help others.
Monday, October 06, 2008
4 years ago

I went to the hospital not knowing what would happen. I had been married barely a year and had just had a doctor tell me I should be dead. I didnt know what to expect. I was scared to say the least.
I started dialysis that day and spent almost 2 years on it (most of it peritoneal dialysis at home). My life is pretty much at normal now other than a gazillion pills a day, some nice scars, and frequent visits to the doctor. I'm lucky and I know it.
Saturday, October 25 I'm doing a walk for the Kidney Foundation of Georgia. I'm walking so that maybe one less person will have to go through what I had to go through 4 years ago today. If interested in walking with me or making a contribution, you can go here.
Saturday, October 04, 2008

I also liked looking up and seeing the stars. With all of the light pollution in Atlanta it is hard to believe that you can look up and see stars anywhere inside the perimeter but at 6 AM along the Chattahoochee River you can do just that.
This group picture is of those of us that won the boot camp challenge this month. Every month all of the boot camps ran by the company that ran the one I went to get together and compete for bragging rights of the best camp. I dont wanna say we destroyed our competition but it aint bragging if it's the truth. =)

Just a few months ago I wouldnt have believed that I would be rowing a 5k in a day (much less AFTER boot camp). I also wouldnt believe that I would be running a 5k but I did that this morning. I finished the race without puking and without being in last. I should have a picture of me crossing the finish line by the end of the week.
Now what you really wanna hear. In June I tipped the scales at 253.8 lbs. Yesterday morning I was at 223.3. I need to upload and edit some before and after pics and will do that have it posted soon. I'm really amazed at the progress I have made.
Friday, October 03, 2008

Most of you know that I do a lot of work in the political area. I'm going to tell you a few things that maybe I shouldnt publish in a public forum such as this but I will anyway.
I dont know who some of the candidates are on the ballot. I know more than the average American but when you get towards the end of the ballot I have no clue. I also couldnt tell you what some of the offices we elect do.
I used to do a lot of campaign work. I helped make those annoying mailers that clog up your mailbox this time of the year and also produced those annoying phone calls that wont let you enjoy your dinner or help your kids with homework. I met a lot of people that still do a lot of campaign work.
None of this is shocking to some of you. Here is my secret: when I get to the bottom of the ballot I'm more likely to vote against a candidate not because of their beliefs on issues (because I dont know them anyway) but because of who is working for their campaign. Seriously.
A couple of days ago I got a mail piece for a candidate. I know nothing about them or their opponent but I dont care for someone working on their race and thus, when I vote early next week, I am voting against the candidate whose mail I received.
Sunday, September 21, 2008

I am now down 26 pounds since June. 2 more weeks of boot camp and I should be below what I am listed on my drivers license... After boot camp is over I'll try to post some before and after pics. I think I am running my first ever 5k Oct 4 (the day after the end of boot camp). Let me know if you wanna join me.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Shout outs
A couple of weeks ago I bought a 2009 Maxima from these people. The dealership that tried to tell me that the sticker price was $5000 more than what it was (and $10k more than what I ended up paying) was here.
After buying the Maxima I went and got the windows tinted here. Ferrari sends their cars there to get customized as do a lot of celebs and athletes.
This summer I have lost 22 pounds through boot camp and an occasional trip to the gym of BTB fitness. I am starting my third and final month of boot camp tomorrow.
Friday I went here and had this guy do my latest tattoo. I will try to post pics of the tat later but it is the footprints taken of Bryson after he arrived and his name above it. I need to get another appointment to get something to tie it in with the ambigram I have below it.
After buying the Maxima I went and got the windows tinted here. Ferrari sends their cars there to get customized as do a lot of celebs and athletes.
This summer I have lost 22 pounds through boot camp and an occasional trip to the gym of BTB fitness. I am starting my third and final month of boot camp tomorrow.
Friday I went here and had this guy do my latest tattoo. I will try to post pics of the tat later but it is the footprints taken of Bryson after he arrived and his name above it. I need to get another appointment to get something to tie it in with the ambigram I have below it.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Double Deuce
22 pounds. That is what I have lost since the first of the summer. 2 months of bootcamp and one in between for the birth of Bryson. I'm doing my last bootcamp starting Tuesday. I wouldnt mind doing another after this month's but as you may have read we have purchased another house and it just isnt a close location to boot camp from the new house.
Last week I bought a new pair of jeans because one pair I had was getting thread bare in some areas. I just picked up a pair and started heading to the cashier when something told me I should try them on. I ended up trying it on and then getting a size smaller than what I originally grabbed. I need to get some new belts, too as I looked down and discovered that I am using the last hole. Very nice.
At the start of the summer, I thought maybe 25 pounds would be a good goal but now that I am almost there, I realize I need to go further but let's see what this month holds.
Last week I bought a new pair of jeans because one pair I had was getting thread bare in some areas. I just picked up a pair and started heading to the cashier when something told me I should try them on. I ended up trying it on and then getting a size smaller than what I originally grabbed. I need to get some new belts, too as I looked down and discovered that I am using the last hole. Very nice.
At the start of the summer, I thought maybe 25 pounds would be a good goal but now that I am almost there, I realize I need to go further but let's see what this month holds.
Things we do for our kid(s)

The fact that it is just minutes from some good friends (including my donor and her family) is just icing on the cake.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Idiot Car Salesman pt 2
So he calls back yesterday to tell me he had my car for me... except it was the wrong color and was missing most of the options. I reminded him of EXACTLY what I wanted. Oh yeah he forgot but looky here he happened to have that exact car on his lot. And he would sell it to me for a "good price" which I informed him was about $5,000 OVER the MSRP. He tried to reason with me why that was a great deal but I cut him short and then hung up. He called back later and I ignored him so he quickly learned to use email to tell me that he would now let me have it for the MSRP. I replied with one word: "NO". He replied with a question of how close would I come to his price and I replied with the original price I had given him. Havent heard from him since. I am this close to putting up the name of the dealer here.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Car Buying
I am looking to buy a new car. I am buying just like I did the last one by using Edmunds. With Edmunds you can price out a car with options and see the sticker price, the invoice price, and what the average cost people are paying for that car in your area. You can then have area dealers call or email you their best price. Today I filled out the info and sent it to all of the Atlanta area dealers for this particular maker.
I ALWAYS put that I only want to deal with them via email and today I even included that in the comments section in bold and all caps. After getting the prices, I email the dealers that respond that dealer X is offering that car at a price of $Y. You get them to lower their prices usually and after doing this a couple of times you end up with the best price.
So the emails are starting to come in. One dealer sent me an email asking what it would take to get me to come in and just talk out a deal. I responded that if his EMAILED price was the lowest in the Atlanta area that I would come in, write him a check and leave with the vehicle. What does he do? He calls me to tell me that if I just come in he'll show me why he has the best prices blah blah blah blah. I politely tell him that I dont work that way and if he wants my business to just email his best price and if it is the lowest I will come buy the car from him. He asked me what price I was looking for and I replied the best that I can get it for. He kept questioning me and instead of verbally assaulting the sales guy for not following directions (I must not be feeling well today... HA!) I tell him here is the price I am looking for and quoted him a price LESS than the invoice and inform him that I expect that to include tax, tag, and title. He said he would see what he could do.
Here's where the story gets mildly amusing. The last time I bought a car, I had contacted via Edmunds all of the area dealers of this particular vehicle. The same owners of this dealership referenced above also own a dealership for the vehicle I currently own (different manufacturers). They contacted me to just come on down and talk instead of using the internet like I wanted to do. They had the exact model with options I was looking for but they wouldnt play by my rules. I agreed to buy the car from a different dealership that would play by my rules. Where I was going to buy the car didnt have the exact one in stock so they transferred one in from the dealership that wouldnt play by my rules. I have a funny feeling that this may happen again.
I'll let you know what happens.
I ALWAYS put that I only want to deal with them via email and today I even included that in the comments section in bold and all caps. After getting the prices, I email the dealers that respond that dealer X is offering that car at a price of $Y. You get them to lower their prices usually and after doing this a couple of times you end up with the best price.
So the emails are starting to come in. One dealer sent me an email asking what it would take to get me to come in and just talk out a deal. I responded that if his EMAILED price was the lowest in the Atlanta area that I would come in, write him a check and leave with the vehicle. What does he do? He calls me to tell me that if I just come in he'll show me why he has the best prices blah blah blah blah. I politely tell him that I dont work that way and if he wants my business to just email his best price and if it is the lowest I will come buy the car from him. He asked me what price I was looking for and I replied the best that I can get it for. He kept questioning me and instead of verbally assaulting the sales guy for not following directions (I must not be feeling well today... HA!) I tell him here is the price I am looking for and quoted him a price LESS than the invoice and inform him that I expect that to include tax, tag, and title. He said he would see what he could do.
Here's where the story gets mildly amusing. The last time I bought a car, I had contacted via Edmunds all of the area dealers of this particular vehicle. The same owners of this dealership referenced above also own a dealership for the vehicle I currently own (different manufacturers). They contacted me to just come on down and talk instead of using the internet like I wanted to do. They had the exact model with options I was looking for but they wouldnt play by my rules. I agreed to buy the car from a different dealership that would play by my rules. Where I was going to buy the car didnt have the exact one in stock so they transferred one in from the dealership that wouldnt play by my rules. I have a funny feeling that this may happen again.
I'll let you know what happens.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Week in Review
Let's see, I started the week off in jury duty. That was so not fun. Lots of sitting and waiting. I really want to serve on a jury sometime but I am enough of a realist to realize that what I do for work and other things will probably be an automatic disqualifier. At least I got most of the baby announcements addressed and put in envelopes.
I took Bryson to the Capitol yesterday for his first time and our first father-son outing. His presence helped me get primo parking right next to the Capitol where the Governor usually parks (actually it would be his driver) and for free. Everybody loved that I had brought him along. Sorry I didnt take any photos of this trip but the next Capitol trip will probably include photos with the Gov &/or Lt. Gov.
I have watched more Olympics this week than I think I have from any other Olympics. Michael Phelps is a machine. I do question how some events are included in the competition. Badminton, trampoline, ping pong, and synchronized swimming and diving to name a few that shouldnt be there.
The second week of boot camp this month has been completed. I missed one day because of jury duty (I did show up for my last day of jury duty after doing camp in the morning) but I did all of the other days. I have lost almost 3.5 pounds this week for a grand total of a little over 18 pounds since the first of June. I still have a way to go.
Tomorrow is the 2nd Anniversary of my kidney transplant. Tonight we're having dinner with my donor and her family.
I took Bryson to the Capitol yesterday for his first time and our first father-son outing. His presence helped me get primo parking right next to the Capitol where the Governor usually parks (actually it would be his driver) and for free. Everybody loved that I had brought him along. Sorry I didnt take any photos of this trip but the next Capitol trip will probably include photos with the Gov &/or Lt. Gov.
I have watched more Olympics this week than I think I have from any other Olympics. Michael Phelps is a machine. I do question how some events are included in the competition. Badminton, trampoline, ping pong, and synchronized swimming and diving to name a few that shouldnt be there.
The second week of boot camp this month has been completed. I missed one day because of jury duty (I did show up for my last day of jury duty after doing camp in the morning) but I did all of the other days. I have lost almost 3.5 pounds this week for a grand total of a little over 18 pounds since the first of June. I still have a way to go.
Tomorrow is the 2nd Anniversary of my kidney transplant. Tonight we're having dinner with my donor and her family.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Dear Bryson
Dear Bryson,
I am so glad that you are finally here. The last two weeks have been some of the happiest, most wonderful days of my life. One of my favorite things to do now is to just stare at your face. It doesnt matter if you are awake or asleep, I can just stare at you and enjoy your being you.
When we learned we were pregnant, your mother and I would wonder what you would look like, what your personality would be, and what you would become. At 16 days old, we dont have all of the answers to our questions but we are both committed to making sure you have the environment to become the best you can be, whatever that may be.
I like to watch people and the last couple of years I have watched the interaction between parents and kids (and am still doing so) so that I can figure out things I want to do or avoid doing as your father. I hope to teach you that variety is a good thing when it comes to life in general, and music and food in particular. I want to teach you about "manly things" but I also hope that you appreciate the arts, too.
I know I wont be a perfect dad and I hope that you will forgive me for my shortcomings. Please know that I love you and want the best for you.
I love you son,
I am so glad that you are finally here. The last two weeks have been some of the happiest, most wonderful days of my life. One of my favorite things to do now is to just stare at your face. It doesnt matter if you are awake or asleep, I can just stare at you and enjoy your being you.
When we learned we were pregnant, your mother and I would wonder what you would look like, what your personality would be, and what you would become. At 16 days old, we dont have all of the answers to our questions but we are both committed to making sure you have the environment to become the best you can be, whatever that may be.
I like to watch people and the last couple of years I have watched the interaction between parents and kids (and am still doing so) so that I can figure out things I want to do or avoid doing as your father. I hope to teach you that variety is a good thing when it comes to life in general, and music and food in particular. I want to teach you about "manly things" but I also hope that you appreciate the arts, too.
I know I wont be a perfect dad and I hope that you will forgive me for my shortcomings. Please know that I love you and want the best for you.
I love you son,

Back in the Saddle
After taking a month off to get ready for our baby (more on him in another blog later) and his birth, I signed up for another boot camp. Last month (without doing much exercising) I lost around 5 pounds for a total of 14 pounds since the start of June.
"How?" you may ask. Eating. What? I'm not doing that idiotic eat only cookies diet that you may have seen on tv. I eat smaller portions 3 meals a day and another 2 or 3 snacks which actually keeps your metabolism rate up. You may not believe it but it worked for me last month (of course by not working out you lose muscle weight, too).
Back to this month and boot camp. Tuesday was the first day this week. The first day is always a PT test so that you can see results easier at the end of the month. I did the run in about 20 seconds LESS than I finished it at the end of June's camp. I was (and am) shocked. The only thing that makes sense to me on how this happened is that I finished camp wearing a knee brace for the last week and now my knee is healed.
Speaking of injuries, spending a lot of time taking prednisone makes it easier to get injuries, particularly in your joints and muscles. One of the fun things you live with as a transplant recipient... Anyway, I tweaked my knee last boot camp and Thursday I pulled a muscle in my upper, inner thigh. I took Friday off from camp to let it heal and felt great today until I was running my 3rd 400 meter run as part of the day's boot camp workout at the gym. Doesnt hurt as bad as Thursday but I'm hoping it gets back to 100% soon.
One of the things I have noticed over the last couple of months is that a lot of the side effects from my transplant meds have been lessened. You gotta like that!
This week I have lost a little over a pound. Besides a long term goal of getting ready for next year's Peachtree Roadrace, I want to get down to the weight listed on my Drivers' License. I should be close to that by the end of the month.
"How?" you may ask. Eating. What? I'm not doing that idiotic eat only cookies diet that you may have seen on tv. I eat smaller portions 3 meals a day and another 2 or 3 snacks which actually keeps your metabolism rate up. You may not believe it but it worked for me last month (of course by not working out you lose muscle weight, too).
Back to this month and boot camp. Tuesday was the first day this week. The first day is always a PT test so that you can see results easier at the end of the month. I did the run in about 20 seconds LESS than I finished it at the end of June's camp. I was (and am) shocked. The only thing that makes sense to me on how this happened is that I finished camp wearing a knee brace for the last week and now my knee is healed.
Speaking of injuries, spending a lot of time taking prednisone makes it easier to get injuries, particularly in your joints and muscles. One of the fun things you live with as a transplant recipient... Anyway, I tweaked my knee last boot camp and Thursday I pulled a muscle in my upper, inner thigh. I took Friday off from camp to let it heal and felt great today until I was running my 3rd 400 meter run as part of the day's boot camp workout at the gym. Doesnt hurt as bad as Thursday but I'm hoping it gets back to 100% soon.
One of the things I have noticed over the last couple of months is that a lot of the side effects from my transplant meds have been lessened. You gotta like that!
This week I have lost a little over a pound. Besides a long term goal of getting ready for next year's Peachtree Roadrace, I want to get down to the weight listed on my Drivers' License. I should be close to that by the end of the month.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The End (?) of Bootcamp
So 2 weeks ago my month of Bootcamp ended. The first day of camp they had us do a PT test and it was repeated at the end of the camp. The first day of camp I ran 7 or 8 tenths of a mile in 12:04 (yeah I know not very quick), I could hold a plank for 28 seconds, 11 situps in a minute, 12 dips in a minute, 7 regular pushups and 8 facilitated ones in a minute. At the end of the month, the run was down to 8:53, plank 42 seconds, 23 situps, 28 dips, 16 regular pushups and 20 facilitated. I was also down about 9 pounds in just one month.
Results! Last summer I joined a gym and even had a trainer for a month. 3 months and I couldnt really tell a difference. One month of a bootcamp and I can see results. One weekend before the end of camp I went to a men's clothing shop. They were having a sale coming up and I wanted to find a suit in my size. The store didnt have my size so the ordered one in my size and had it shipped to my house (for free) at the sales price. The suit arrived one size smaller than what I wear but it fits. Woo-Hoo!
The weekend camp ended I went out with some friends for a guy's weekend that involved Tony Clifton. We hung out with Tony Clifton, his orchestra, his dancers, and Jerry "the King" Lawler. Let's just say that I wasnt following the bootcamp diet that weekend but I had a great time.

The next night I went with another buddy to see Mother's Finest (think Living Colour but from the 70's). The diet was definitely not followed that night either.
Last week I stepped on the scales and to my surprise I was down another pound since boot camp (even with the bad weekend). Today I am down another 2 pounds for a total of 12 pounds since before bootcamp started. I am not really working out right now but I am eating 3 meals, 2-3 snacks. and watching my portion sizes. Eating better has taken another 3 pounds off. I imagine it would be much more if I was exercising.
Fourth of July the wife and I watched a little of the Peachtree Roadrace on tv before going out to watch a parade. I remembered thinking I would like to run it one day before I turned 40 and that date is getting closer. The next day or two, I saw several people wearing the shirts they were given for running the roadrace. Let's just say that some people were in far worse shape than I am so I have decided next July 4th, I'm going to do the Peachtree.
Next month I plan to be back in bootcamp to help me get closer to my weightloss goal and to get me closer to running the Peachtree.
Results! Last summer I joined a gym and even had a trainer for a month. 3 months and I couldnt really tell a difference. One month of a bootcamp and I can see results. One weekend before the end of camp I went to a men's clothing shop. They were having a sale coming up and I wanted to find a suit in my size. The store didnt have my size so the ordered one in my size and had it shipped to my house (for free) at the sales price. The suit arrived one size smaller than what I wear but it fits. Woo-Hoo!
The weekend camp ended I went out with some friends for a guy's weekend that involved Tony Clifton. We hung out with Tony Clifton, his orchestra, his dancers, and Jerry "the King" Lawler. Let's just say that I wasnt following the bootcamp diet that weekend but I had a great time.

The next night I went with another buddy to see Mother's Finest (think Living Colour but from the 70's). The diet was definitely not followed that night either.
Last week I stepped on the scales and to my surprise I was down another pound since boot camp (even with the bad weekend). Today I am down another 2 pounds for a total of 12 pounds since before bootcamp started. I am not really working out right now but I am eating 3 meals, 2-3 snacks. and watching my portion sizes. Eating better has taken another 3 pounds off. I imagine it would be much more if I was exercising.
Fourth of July the wife and I watched a little of the Peachtree Roadrace on tv before going out to watch a parade. I remembered thinking I would like to run it one day before I turned 40 and that date is getting closer. The next day or two, I saw several people wearing the shirts they were given for running the roadrace. Let's just say that some people were in far worse shape than I am so I have decided next July 4th, I'm going to do the Peachtree.
Next month I plan to be back in bootcamp to help me get closer to my weightloss goal and to get me closer to running the Peachtree.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Getting Fit(ter)
A couple of months ago, I was sitting around thinking I needed to do something to lose some weight and get in better shape. I figure that if I am in better shape it will help with stamina to hang out with our son that will be here soon enough, as well as being helpful with my transplant. I have a gym membership but dont use it. Last summer I was using it pretty regularly but wasnt seeing any results, even when I had the help of a trainer.
I decided that I should do something different. I thought about a fitness boot camp and decided to check into them. There are probably a dozen different companies around Atlanta doing a boot camp. I asked around some friends that had used various ones to see what they liked and didnt like. I finally decided upon one company and enrolled in one of their boot camps (after discussing it with my medical folks).
I am three weeks in out of four. I have lost a little above 7 pounds. I want to lose another 18 pounds by the end of the summer and keep it off. I wake up at 5 four days a week and join a group of about 30 people. We run and exercise for an hour. They've shown us how to eat better and we keep a daily journal on what we eat and what we do for exercise. Yes you heard me right, although I am not a morning person, I get up at 5 am to go work out. Crazy if you know me as I am not a morning person.
Last weekend, the gym that hosts the bootcamps participated in a challenge of other Crossfit gyms in Georgia. Go here to see the obstacle course and description of what had to do
Nice, huh? I will admit I was the worst shape of anyone there and that I almost left without attempting to do it. But I finished (at not at the bottom either). Here's a picture of some of the 250 people that did this.
I wish I could do bootcamp again in July but with the little guy on the way I dont think it wise. I plan on getting up still at the break of dawn and just do some stuff in the yard and jog through the neighborhood, as well as continuing to eat better. December we are taking a family vacation and I have learned that there will be a 5k run at our destination. I am already making plans to run it.
I decided that I should do something different. I thought about a fitness boot camp and decided to check into them. There are probably a dozen different companies around Atlanta doing a boot camp. I asked around some friends that had used various ones to see what they liked and didnt like. I finally decided upon one company and enrolled in one of their boot camps (after discussing it with my medical folks).
I am three weeks in out of four. I have lost a little above 7 pounds. I want to lose another 18 pounds by the end of the summer and keep it off. I wake up at 5 four days a week and join a group of about 30 people. We run and exercise for an hour. They've shown us how to eat better and we keep a daily journal on what we eat and what we do for exercise. Yes you heard me right, although I am not a morning person, I get up at 5 am to go work out. Crazy if you know me as I am not a morning person.
Last weekend, the gym that hosts the bootcamps participated in a challenge of other Crossfit gyms in Georgia. Go here to see the obstacle course and description of what had to do
Nice, huh? I will admit I was the worst shape of anyone there and that I almost left without attempting to do it. But I finished (at not at the bottom either). Here's a picture of some of the 250 people that did this.

I wish I could do bootcamp again in July but with the little guy on the way I dont think it wise. I plan on getting up still at the break of dawn and just do some stuff in the yard and jog through the neighborhood, as well as continuing to eat better. December we are taking a family vacation and I have learned that there will be a 5k run at our destination. I am already making plans to run it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Meetings and Conference calls
As part of my job I am frequently in meetings and on conference calls. There are some things that happen at meetings and conference calls that annoy me.
A few months I was on a conference call. Cant go into too many details but I am on a panel (or task force or whatever the hip word is this year) to help review some proposed federal changes before being released to the public for comment before they are enacted as policy. The Federal government embargoed the proposed changes (delaying everything) and wouldnt release the proposal to the group I am on (or anyone else at this time). So the conference call I was on consisted of someone describing charts and graphs they had seen to the rest of us. Seriously. "If we were able to send this to you, you would see that on the left there is ..."
I have been on calls in the past with several hundred people on the call that turn into "let's see how many people will talk to show how important they feel they are" call. Conference calls need to be limited to how many people are on the call or they need to be limited as to who can speak.
A monthly meeting that I often attend suffers from 2 problems. Either the presenters will just read the slides in their power point (as if nobody can read or they have nothing else to contribute) or there will be an attendee that comes in about 40 minutes late and their phone will go off (and be answered) in another 10-15 minutes. The same attendee coming in late almost every month shows to me that someone needs some attention. I think the person in charge of the meeting should give them a little attention by calling them out, "Hey look it is _____ coming in to today's meeting. Thanks you for being here but I hope next month you will be on time. Oh and can you please turn off your cell before it rings in a couple of minutes?"
So here I am sitting in on a conference call. I have another one this afternoon so drop back by and I'll probably have another posting. Feel free to suggest a topic.
A few months I was on a conference call. Cant go into too many details but I am on a panel (or task force or whatever the hip word is this year) to help review some proposed federal changes before being released to the public for comment before they are enacted as policy. The Federal government embargoed the proposed changes (delaying everything) and wouldnt release the proposal to the group I am on (or anyone else at this time). So the conference call I was on consisted of someone describing charts and graphs they had seen to the rest of us. Seriously. "If we were able to send this to you, you would see that on the left there is ..."
I have been on calls in the past with several hundred people on the call that turn into "let's see how many people will talk to show how important they feel they are" call. Conference calls need to be limited to how many people are on the call or they need to be limited as to who can speak.
A monthly meeting that I often attend suffers from 2 problems. Either the presenters will just read the slides in their power point (as if nobody can read or they have nothing else to contribute) or there will be an attendee that comes in about 40 minutes late and their phone will go off (and be answered) in another 10-15 minutes. The same attendee coming in late almost every month shows to me that someone needs some attention. I think the person in charge of the meeting should give them a little attention by calling them out, "Hey look it is _____ coming in to today's meeting. Thanks you for being here but I hope next month you will be on time. Oh and can you please turn off your cell before it rings in a couple of minutes?"
So here I am sitting in on a conference call. I have another one this afternoon so drop back by and I'll probably have another posting. Feel free to suggest a topic.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Location help Needed
In a couple of weeks I have Daley Hake taking some photos of me and the wife (go check his photos out as he is very gifted photographer) while he is in town. Trying to think of a great place to use as a backdrop for the pics. Right now we are thinking Piedmont Park but aren't wed to that location.
We want something a little different but something that says us. So who do you think Emily and Andy are and what location would you recommend? Seriously I want to know what you think.
We want something a little different but something that says us. So who do you think Emily and Andy are and what location would you recommend? Seriously I want to know what you think.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Baby Name Contest
So I think most of you know that the wife and I are expecting a baby boy in July. We are looking for some name suggestions so send them to us either through a comment here or via email. If your suggested name is used then you win a day to babysit our baby boy after he gets here at a date and location of our choosing. So put on your thinking caps and start sending in the names.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Another One Gone
I have had the priviledge of doing a lot of cool things and meeting a lot of interesting people in my life. Last week someone you probably have never heard of, but should have, died.
James Orange lived here in Atlanta and I had met him on several occasions. Why should you know him, you may ask. Rev. Orange was a giant of a man, and not just because he stood over 6' 4" with the biggest heart ever given to a man, but because of what he did while walking this earth for 65 years. While still in his teens, Rev Orange joined the civil rights movement. More recently, he was heavily involved with the successful campaign to elect Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa.
Several years ago, me and a couple of friends were talking about people that had done great things but nobody knew. We thought it would be great to get a camera and just sit down and interview these people to make sure that more people would know of their deeds, as well as hearing first hand accounts of things that have happened. Unfortunately we never got around to starting our project.
Rev Orange, you will be missed.
James Orange lived here in Atlanta and I had met him on several occasions. Why should you know him, you may ask. Rev. Orange was a giant of a man, and not just because he stood over 6' 4" with the biggest heart ever given to a man, but because of what he did while walking this earth for 65 years. While still in his teens, Rev Orange joined the civil rights movement. More recently, he was heavily involved with the successful campaign to elect Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa.
Several years ago, me and a couple of friends were talking about people that had done great things but nobody knew. We thought it would be great to get a camera and just sit down and interview these people to make sure that more people would know of their deeds, as well as hearing first hand accounts of things that have happened. Unfortunately we never got around to starting our project.
Rev Orange, you will be missed.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Man it has been a while since I have blogged...
I love to watch people. Sometimes it is just to watch how people interact with each other and sometimes I watch people to learn life lessons.
I used to love to go Christmas shopping as close to December 25 as possible just to watch people. People forgetting what season they are in the midst of celebrating but are desperate to find the last Aqua Sweater in a size XS for their niece or a tie for Uncle Herbie that plays Christmas music and has flashing lights. Those days are chaos but are fun to be a voyeur.
Last summer I was at a concert with some friends and while enjoying the music I was watching how different families were acting. One family had a son about 5 or 6 who was dressed up and he just sat quietly while his parents and their friends forgot about him as they downed the picnic and cocktails they had brought with them. Another family had a daughter also about 5-6. Although the parents were with some other friends, they focused a lot of their attention on her. She was dressed casually and enjoyed singing and dancing with her parents. I learned that night some things I want to do as a dad. I have realized these lessons of parenthood at sporting events.
One of my favorite people watching activities happens at night. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and cant get back to sleep. Those nights I watch my wife sleeping peacefully beside me. I think about the wonderful times we have had and how lucky I am to have met and married her. I think about what our future holds. After thinking for a while, I usually snuggle a little closer, kiss her and try to match her breathing until I fall back to sleep (or until the alarm goes off on some mornings).
I love to watch people. Sometimes it is just to watch how people interact with each other and sometimes I watch people to learn life lessons.
I used to love to go Christmas shopping as close to December 25 as possible just to watch people. People forgetting what season they are in the midst of celebrating but are desperate to find the last Aqua Sweater in a size XS for their niece or a tie for Uncle Herbie that plays Christmas music and has flashing lights. Those days are chaos but are fun to be a voyeur.
Last summer I was at a concert with some friends and while enjoying the music I was watching how different families were acting. One family had a son about 5 or 6 who was dressed up and he just sat quietly while his parents and their friends forgot about him as they downed the picnic and cocktails they had brought with them. Another family had a daughter also about 5-6. Although the parents were with some other friends, they focused a lot of their attention on her. She was dressed casually and enjoyed singing and dancing with her parents. I learned that night some things I want to do as a dad. I have realized these lessons of parenthood at sporting events.
One of my favorite people watching activities happens at night. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and cant get back to sleep. Those nights I watch my wife sleeping peacefully beside me. I think about the wonderful times we have had and how lucky I am to have met and married her. I think about what our future holds. After thinking for a while, I usually snuggle a little closer, kiss her and try to match her breathing until I fall back to sleep (or until the alarm goes off on some mornings).
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