Friday, December 19, 2008

The Costs of Losing Weight

I'm not talking about the alteration of clothes (or just replacing them) which isnt cheap. After losing 40 pounds since June I have had some unexpected costs.

Post-transplant I have labs done at least once a month. The Doctors and Nurses watch the levels of several things to make sure they are all in the "normal" range. If the levels of one or more items is outside of the normal range then I can get various side effects. Insomnia, tremors in my hands, dizziness and lightheaded are some of my favorites.

So losing 40 pounds and having an increase in my metabolism rate means my body absorbs the prescriptions I am on at different rates, effecting the levels that my transplant team monitors and bringing back the side effects. Of course my drugs are being readjusted but it takes a while to get everything where they should be.

I want to be a hands on father. Unfortunately that isnt always possible right now while the docs try to get all of my levels back under control. It's frustrating to say the least.

I'm not saying I wish I hadnt lost all of the weight I have, but I could definitely do without the unintended consequences...

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