Saturday, October 04, 2008


Yesterday was the last day of boot camp for me. I'm going to miss the camaraderie the most. 35 people running and exercising together is an awesome thing.

I also liked looking up and seeing the stars. With all of the light pollution in Atlanta it is hard to believe that you can look up and see stars anywhere inside the perimeter but at 6 AM along the Chattahoochee River you can do just that.

This group picture is of those of us that won the boot camp challenge this month. Every month all of the boot camps ran by the company that ran the one I went to get together and compete for bragging rights of the best camp. I dont wanna say we destroyed our competition but it aint bragging if it's the truth. =)

The last 2 weeks I have been rowing a 5k after camp. Crazy I know. I am over 45k meters as of now. The guy in the foreground has the most meters rowed for our gym. There are 47 of us doing this as part of a challenge amongst over 200 teams from around the world. I have the 7th most meters rowed on our team and collectively we are over a million meters, 28th in the world, and second among Crossfit gyms.

Just a few months ago I wouldnt have believed that I would be rowing a 5k in a day (much less AFTER boot camp). I also wouldnt believe that I would be running a 5k but I did that this morning. I finished the race without puking and without being in last. I should have a picture of me crossing the finish line by the end of the week.

Now what you really wanna hear. In June I tipped the scales at 253.8 lbs. Yesterday morning I was at 223.3. I need to upload and edit some before and after pics and will do that have it posted soon. I'm really amazed at the progress I have made.

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