Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another One Gone

I have had the priviledge of doing a lot of cool things and meeting a lot of interesting people in my life. Last week someone you probably have never heard of, but should have, died.

James Orange lived here in Atlanta and I had met him on several occasions. Why should you know him, you may ask. Rev. Orange was a giant of a man, and not just because he stood over 6' 4" with the biggest heart ever given to a man, but because of what he did while walking this earth for 65 years. While still in his teens, Rev Orange joined the civil rights movement. More recently, he was heavily involved with the successful campaign to elect Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa.

Several years ago, me and a couple of friends were talking about people that had done great things but nobody knew. We thought it would be great to get a camera and just sit down and interview these people to make sure that more people would know of their deeds, as well as hearing first hand accounts of things that have happened. Unfortunately we never got around to starting our project.

Rev Orange, you will be missed.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby Freeman

I think most of you know we are expecting. Here is his first picture. It's a boy!

baby's first pic

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Man it has been a while since I have blogged...

I love to watch people. Sometimes it is just to watch how people interact with each other and sometimes I watch people to learn life lessons.

I used to love to go Christmas shopping as close to December 25 as possible just to watch people. People forgetting what season they are in the midst of celebrating but are desperate to find the last Aqua Sweater in a size XS for their niece or a tie for Uncle Herbie that plays Christmas music and has flashing lights. Those days are chaos but are fun to be a voyeur.

Last summer I was at a concert with some friends and while enjoying the music I was watching how different families were acting. One family had a son about 5 or 6 who was dressed up and he just sat quietly while his parents and their friends forgot about him as they downed the picnic and cocktails they had brought with them. Another family had a daughter also about 5-6. Although the parents were with some other friends, they focused a lot of their attention on her. She was dressed casually and enjoyed singing and dancing with her parents. I learned that night some things I want to do as a dad. I have realized these lessons of parenthood at sporting events.

One of my favorite people watching activities happens at night. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and cant get back to sleep. Those nights I watch my wife sleeping peacefully beside me. I think about the wonderful times we have had and how lucky I am to have met and married her. I think about what our future holds. After thinking for a while, I usually snuggle a little closer, kiss her and try to match her breathing until I fall back to sleep (or until the alarm goes off on some mornings).