Monday, October 06, 2008

4 years ago

Four years ago today I was at the Doctor's office. I hadnt been feeling well and was curious as to why. They had ran tests a few days before and called me to come back for some more tests. The Doctor came in after they drew blood and told me that my kidneys had quit working and that he was shocked that I wasnt dead or at least in a coma.

I went to the hospital not knowing what would happen. I had been married barely a year and had just had a doctor tell me I should be dead. I didnt know what to expect. I was scared to say the least.

I started dialysis that day and spent almost 2 years on it (most of it peritoneal dialysis at home). My life is pretty much at normal now other than a gazillion pills a day, some nice scars, and frequent visits to the doctor. I'm lucky and I know it.

Saturday, October 25 I'm doing a walk for the Kidney Foundation of Georgia. I'm walking so that maybe one less person will have to go through what I had to go through 4 years ago today. If interested in walking with me or making a contribution, you can go here.

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