Saturday, July 02, 2005

I guess it is real now

Yesterday the overnight delivery guy showed up with a package rather early in the a.m. I had just finished unhooking from the peritonial dialysis machine and was trying to figure out what package was being delivered. Maybe wifey was getting something, I thought as I went down to open the door. Instead it was the package of stuff for the crossmatching tests for Tuesday.

What will happen is that I will have a lot of blood taken because not only do I have to get blood for these tests but it is also time for my monthly labs. And if I am really lucky it will also be time for my quarterly labs, too.

Anyway, the same day that this is happening to me (Tuesday) 2 potential donors will have considerably less blood drawn. We will all send the blood by courier to the labs that day. In about 2 weeks we will know which, if either, is the best match. After that is determined, that person, if they are willing, would schedule the two or 3 day evaluation I had to do early February or late January. They would be tested to make sure that they have no problems that would preclude them from giving a kidney. 3 weeks later they would get the results of those tests and if they are still willing, then the transplant would be scheduled.

Those of you keeping score at home, that means the earliest that I could have the surgery would be the end of August.

In other news, I received some positive information yesterday on "the big news" that I have hinted at in past posts but nothing can be announced for another couple of weeks. Sorry.

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