Saturday, July 09, 2005


Currently I am doing the waiting game. Nothing you can do to speed up time, especially while waiting for tests results to come back. [sigh]

Went to Home Depot Landscaping today. I was looking for some plants for our beds but they didnt have that many to choose from. A child was on the loose. He was about 4 maybe 5 and his parents just watched him turned over flats of plants, signs, displays, and whatever else he wanted to do. They didnt correct him, and dang sure didnt "fix" any of his mistakes. One of my pet peeves if you have to know...

Early May I decided to play around in the stock market. It wasn't a big purchase but I just wanted to see what I could do. I had read up in several business publications on some areas for probably a couple of months and finally made my decision on what to buy. Yesterday my stock closed up 33% from when I bought it maybe 7 or 8 weeks ago! A friend bought the same stock maybe a month earlier (after reading the same things that made me believe it was a good stock) but a few dollars more per share than when I did, so he is up maybe 25% but I would bet he put a lot more into his investment than I did... Still not bad for an "amature"

Yesterday I tried my hand at online poker. Free site that you dont put up any money to play. I did well for the first hour or so. I stupidly left my email running in the background and got distracted when some emails started coming in and quickly lost all I had won and a little more. Wifey does particularly well at this site. Maybe one day I will be good enough to play against her on the internet.... HAHAHAH (she'll be reading this soon).

Last weekend with it being the Fourth and all, a theme park near our house had a huge fireworks display. It seems it was only us and a couple next door out in the yard to enjoy it. I remember the last couple of years when it seems half the neighborhood was having firework viewing parties but not now. Dont know why.

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