Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Satellite Radio

Yes I know this is the third posting in one day. Count yourself extremely lucky.

I love satellite radio and here are some of the reasons why.

Commerical free music Imagine whatever type of music you like or are in the mood for and being able to listen to it with little interference from a DJ and no interference because of commercials. Just music.

Variety Imagine a channel dedicated to just about everything. Classical music? Check. Reggae? Check. Music from 1940's only? Check. Former NPR great Bob Edwards? Check. Comedy? XM has 3 comedy channels. Country? Do you mean newer country, older country or really old country and western, as they have all of them. Movie Soundtracks? A whole channel for you. Traffic and Weather? They have individual channels for all of the major cities in the US. They also have channels that play unsigned bands, R&B, Rap, New Age, Jazz, and EVERY Major League Baseball Game. The variety is staggering.

Signal Strength Have you ever taken a long road trip somewhere and go through an area with no radio stations or only stations playing music you dont like? Last fall, I drove from Atlanta to Gatlinburg listening to the same station (static free) all of the way there.

Special Shows A few weeks ago I was able to listen to Bonaroo live. Bonaroo is a large music festival in the middle of Tennessee that lasts 3 or 4 days. People camp out and listen to the music all day long. XM broadcast live some of the bigger names playing there and then some of the small stages throughout the day. South by Southwest in Austin was on a few months back. This week they have Live 8 and Sunday they are broadcasting live and commercial free from Willie Nelson's annual July 4th BBQ.

I find it hard to listen to normal, terrestrial radio anymore.

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