Friday, April 14, 2006

Lifelong Dream

Charlie Brown said it best: "There are three things in life that people like to
stare at: a flowing stream, a crackling fire, and a Zamboni clearing the ice."

Last night I fullfilled a lifelong dream; I got to ride a Zamboni. You know,
the machine that resurfaces the ice at hockey games in between periods.
As a kid I would see Snoopy riding the Zamboni in the comics and I would
think "How coolwould that be?" Years later I was working at a record store
when one of the Mighty Ducks movies came out and I was given a
soundtrack to the movie. On that cassette was a song by the Gear Daddies
entitled, "I want to drive the Zamboni." I loved that song and still know
all of the words.

I learned a few things 1) no drink holders on the Zamboni 2) You have to
sign a 2 page release to ride 3)the front part of the Zamboni holds the ice
that has been scraped up. When the Zamboni has done its job, it goes to
the back and hydraulics lift the "hood" so that the ice falls out into a bin
where it melts 4) they dont think it is a good idea to have a snowball fight
with the shaved ice.

The fact that the Thrashers won last night putting the playoffs within reach
was just the icing on the cake.

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