Thursday, December 23, 2004

Today in History

Fifty years ago today, a man received the first organ transplant. It was a kidney from his brother. With the invention of anti-rejection drugs and new surgical procedures, people that receive kidney transplants can live a long and normal life.

Things I Hate
1) Drivers that ignore pedestrians in crosswalks. I now carry pennies in my hand as I cross busy streets. If someone decides to drive on through (despite it being illegal to do so), I fling the pennies against the car.
2) Wal-Mart. I hate that fact that they dont think I should be able to hear whatever I choose to hear. I recently was in the mood for Johnny Cash so I bought his greatest hits. When I listened to it, I was shocked that when I got to the part in "Boy Named Sue" where Sue calls his dad a SOB there was a beep where the phrase should be. Nowhere on the CD did it say "clean version" or that Sue was a "radio edit." In Wal-Mart I can buy "Goodfellows" on DVD and listen to Joe Pesci drop the F-Bomb over 3 dozen times. I can buy a video game where I can choose to kill some people. I can go to the sporting goods section and buy a knife or bullets that I can use to commit bodily harm but I cant listen to "Boy Named Sue" as Johnny Cash, one of the best artists of the late 20th century, meant for me to hear it. Something is wrong here.

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