Sunday, December 05, 2004

Most recent news

Yesterday I got a call from my soon to be ex-Nephrologist with the news that my kidneys are 80% damaged and that the damage is irreversible. I am now on the transplant list. Soon I will be on a different dialysis that I have talked about that I do at the my house while I sleep. I also hope to have another Nephrologist by the end of next week.

What really pisses me off is that the Nephrologist called me to tell me this and didnt think that this type of information should be handled one on one.

I think I am handling the information pretty well. As is my wife and my parents (the first people I told). I can live a long, normal life with only one kidney.

If you or anybody you know is 18-60, healthy, have O+ blood, and interested in giving me a kidney, please let me know. Thanks.

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