And then there was last night. Wow. A few months ago hockey season started and to be nice the Thrashers werent doing well. 0-6 start lead to the firing of the coach. During the crappy start, I started thinking what would be something fun to do. A theme night seemed like something fun and so I started putting it together.
I thought why not celebrate the Thrashers' radio color guy, and former NHL'er Jeff Odgers. When Odgers played hockey he was known as "the Sheriff" because he was usually called upon to dispense justice on the ice. He rocked the foo-man-choo. So the thought was get an old Thrashers jersey, a badge and a fake mustache and you could show Odgers some love.
My original thought was there would be maybe 10 of us doing it, sitting together and having a great time. What we ended up with was 30+ people sitting in two areas of the arena, lots of time on the jumbotron and the mascot dressed up with us. After the game, Odgers' on-air partner donned the badge and 'Stache. When they interviewed Thrashers player Chris Thorburn, Thorburn was handed a 'Stache and even though he had no idea what was going on he was a good sport and put it on, too.
Odgers seemed to enjoy the love and posed for pictures and signed autographs.
Yeah, this actually happened.
The best mascot in the world gets in on the fun

Thrashers radio guy Dan Kamal getting in on the fun

Thorburn putting on his 'Stache

The Sheriff and his fans

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