Monday, August 14, 2006

Like the Week Before Christmas

So, if you know me you know that this is a BIG week for me. Thursday I am set for a kidney transplant. You have no idea how excited I am. And just like when you are a little tyke and Christmas is getting near, I am finding it hard to sleep at night.

I am not worried or nervous about the surgery. I have talked to people that have had the operation so I know what to expect. The hospital that I am having the surgery has a better than normal record for surgical success and my surgeon is one of the tops in the country for kidney transplants.

As the surgery gets closer I keep thinking about some of the changes that will soon be happening. Today I had what I hope is one of the last shots of epogin that I will have to have for sometime (I have had to take a shot a week for almost 2 years as a part of being a dialysis patient). I only have 2 more times to do dialysis (even though I do PD and it is far better than Hemo, I hate having to have my life revolve around my machine).

I am amazed at the kindness of strangers. I have gotten a lot of prayers and well wishes from people that I barely know but that pales in comparsion to my donor; I mean we had only met once or maybe twice before she expressed an interest in seeing if she was a match or not. Now, they are like a second family. They are great people that I am glad I have gotten to know, even if there wasnt a kidney involved.

Soon my life is going to change in a big way. Soon I will be able to lead an almost normal life for the first time in almost two years. I know I will have to take a ton of pills for the rest of my life and that there will be things I cant do that I have enjoyed in my past, but to be able to live an almost normal life is a great thing that I am looking forward to.

I know that the odds are that I will have to have at least one more transplant in my lifetime but I am thankful for the life I have had and the life I have yet to live.

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