Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or Treat

Last night was our first Halloween to be at home since we got married and bought this house. I was surprised at how many trick or treaters came to our house. Tons and tons of kids came by.

The first was probably the cutest. She was barely old enough to walk and was dressed as a candy striper, with a tiara. She was just precious and left with a ton of candy from me.

As the night wore on, we had kids that were not dressed up (mostly in their late teens) who wouldnt say trick or treat but instead demand "give us some candy" and then no thank you for giving them candy. Some of them I asked what they were dressed as but after a while I gave up on that. Of course the teenagers only got one pack of candy. If you were in costume you got multiple candy packs. A thank you got you more candy. I had also bought two different kinds of candy, one kind was for kids in costume and who said thank you, teens in jeans and t-shirts got the other.

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