Sunday, September 18, 2005

Blog Updating

So I am not the best at keeping my blog up-to-date. I try to update it frequently but sometimes I am super busy and sometimes I have writers block. I can understand other people that dont keep their blogs up-to-date but it still saddens me when I go to one of the blogs I regularly read and see that it still has the same message from early August. No names mentioned, of course... But surely something has happened blogworthy in the last 6-7 weeks.

One blog I read gets updated several times a day. That is a little bit crazy if you ask me.

So with that said, here is my update for the day. We planted some vegetables in the spring. Tomato, squash and jalapenos. The tomato plants died back and were replaced. Ditto for the peppers. The squash started out strong, had some blooms and then died without producing the first baby squash. The tomatoes are doing well; too well. I dont like raw tomatoes so that makes it even more fun. I like to make and eat salsa and tomato sauce. We planted herbs but they are looking pitiful due to neglect. Soon we will have more peppers than we will know what to do with them. The plant has blooms and babies all over the place for the first time this year.

My parents raise a lot of fruits, berries, and vegetables. Dad grew up on a farm and likes to do that kind of thing. I like getting the fresh stuff when we go to visit or they stop by. You cant beat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Speaking of farms, I have a friend that has chickens. Not in a big chicken house or anything like that. His chickens are in the back yard of his urban house, clucking along and playing with his dogs. I find it hard to believe that his dogs and chickens get along but they do. He had talked about getting rid of the chicks. Maybe I should call him up and go see if they are still there.

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