Monday, February 14, 2005

MMMmmmmm..... chocolate

Today was my first day on pertineal dialysis. As a result, I can now eat pretty much anything. Had my first piece of chocolate since last October today. Took the misses to a Japanese eatery tonight for Valentine's Day. I was able to eat the fried rice and the Miso soup. I gave wifey her Valentine's Day present. Couldnt wait. It was jewelry. It is good to have friends in the jewelry business...

Today through Wednesday I am in training for the new dialysis. Boring. The class is designed for the lowest common denominator, but if this is what I have to do to switch, then I will do it.

Also, today my medical malpractice lawsuit was filed. Just in time, too. The state senate just agreed with the state house on caps on medical malpractice suits. Idiots. Will probably be signed as a law tomorrow. These caps do not apply to me, which would amount to about $8 a day for the rest of my life for pain and suffering. I just hope that nobody that was all gung-ho to put these caps in place will ever have to go through something like I have had to go through.

Also today I mailed out letters to all of my potential donors to let them know what steps they have to do. I just cant believe that these people (family, friends, and people I dont really know) would volunteer to give me an organ. I tear up everytime I think about it.

Thursday I am hoping to eat lunch at one of my favorite pizza joints.

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