Friday, January 28, 2005

Hanging with the celebs

Last night the misses and I went to a fundraiser for the state transplant foundation. It was hosted by NY Mets pitcher Tom Glavine. You could pay to play ping pong, pool, air hockey, or poker for fun with various professional athletes. Air hockey was against the world champion air hockey player if you so dared. My first game was pool against a member of the Atlanta Falcons. I was on the list to play against Glavine but that list was too long but I did end up having my photo made with him and my misses at the end of the night. The misses is a poker player. She played against Braves starter John Smoltz and some NFL player for Pittsburgh. It really wasnt that fair for her or for the other challengers. Athletes were given about 15 x the money as the challengers, so Smoltz just bullied his way through the game. Of course he was also being dealt great hands, too.

It means a lot that famous people would give up their time for free to raise money for such a worthy organization. Tons of celebritites were there. When the live auction was happening, the athletes really got involved with that, too. How is an ordinary guy supposed to outbid a pro athlete making 7 digits on a guitar signed by all of the Rolling Stones? Damn you Kevin Millwood! But like I said, the money went to a good cause...

It also means a lot when ordinary folks would volunteer to be tested to give an organ to someone they may or may not know... Of course thoughts and prayers for everyone involved with the process is important and means a lot too. In short, thanks for being there for me and my wife, just by reading this.

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