I decided that I should do something different. I thought about a fitness boot camp and decided to check into them. There are probably a dozen different companies around Atlanta doing a boot camp. I asked around some friends that had used various ones to see what they liked and didnt like. I finally decided upon one company and enrolled in one of their boot camps (after discussing it with my medical folks).
I am three weeks in out of four. I have lost a little above 7 pounds. I want to lose another 18 pounds by the end of the summer and keep it off. I wake up at 5 four days a week and join a group of about 30 people. We run and exercise for an hour. They've shown us how to eat better and we keep a daily journal on what we eat and what we do for exercise. Yes you heard me right, although I am not a morning person, I get up at 5 am to go work out. Crazy if you know me as I am not a morning person.
Last weekend, the gym that hosts the bootcamps participated in a challenge of other Crossfit gyms in Georgia. Go here to see the obstacle course and description of what had to do
Nice, huh? I will admit I was the worst shape of anyone there and that I almost left without attempting to do it. But I finished (at not at the bottom either). Here's a picture of some of the 250 people that did this.

I wish I could do bootcamp again in July but with the little guy on the way I dont think it wise. I plan on getting up still at the break of dawn and just do some stuff in the yard and jog through the neighborhood, as well as continuing to eat better. December we are taking a family vacation and I have learned that there will be a 5k run at our destination. I am already making plans to run it.