Monday, November 20, 2006


Everybody sleeps differently. Some stay in one position all night, while others toss and turn all night. Some prefer to sleep on their back while others like their side or stomach. Up until I learned of my kidney failure, I preferred to sleep on my stomach. After starting hemodialysis I had to sleep on my side. Didnt matter which side, but with a port in my neck/chest area I couldnt sleep on my stomach at all. Sure I could have slept on my back but I have never been able to do that unless on a hammoc with a gentle breeze blowing me.

After I started Peritoneal Dialysis I could only sleep on my left side. Somehow on my right side it would interfere with my dialysis machine and all kinds of alarms would go off. I would then have to wake up, reset the machine, and then make sure I fell asleep on my left side. Sometimes I would hook up to the machine early and read or watch tv for a while. I would then go to sleep on my left side but would wake up when the dialysis was complete, unhook from the machine, and then go back to sleep on my right side.

Post transplant I cant go to sleep on my stomach as it feels weird. What is weirder is after sleeping mostly on my left side for almost 2 years, I now can only fall to sleep on my right side. Now that it is getting colder, my wife's dog likes to snuggle up behind the bend of my leg to stay warm. Of course I have also had to learn not to roll over in the middle of the night without waking the dog first.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Wifey and I like to go look at new houses. Model homes are good places to get ideas of how to decorate and what works and what doesnt work. Sometimes we go to open houses that charge for a tour with the proceeds going to charity. Last year we went to a house that was decorated by several art galleries. Some of the art was crap but it was still neat to look at.

Yesterday we went to look at a house with the proceeds going to a camp that is ran for kids with special needs. The house was a monster. It had over 10,000 square feet. Every other room was decorated by a different interior designer so there was little flow going from room to room. I think our favorite rooms were in the basement. They had a home theater (you could pause a movie in there and then finish watching it in another room of the house) that seated 10. They had a gentleman's lounge complete with pool table, poker table, bar, and 4 flat screen tvs. They also had a spa suite (sauna, steam shower, masage area, etc.). Our least favorite room was the kitchen. It was huge but decorated horribly. Anyway, the house was ok but the charity was worthwhile so we are glad we went.